(cc) amiefedora on flickr

I’ve always been fascinated by creative people and the creative process. Maybe it’s because of the new year and I’m thinking about what I want to accomplish, or maybe it’s because of my friend Karen’s commitment to do One New Thing a week, but I’ve been pondering it even more lately. This article on Creative Something about the link between creativity and intelligence (you don’t have to be a genius to be creative) really resonated with me.

In a nutshell, to nurture creativity, we must:

1. Have more experiences (thus my love for One New Thing)

2. Think on our experiences more often (for me, this means running outside because that’s when I can really think)

3. Build on our ideas (rather than ditching them) and learn to silence our inner critics

What do you do to spark creativity in your life? Do you have any blogs, Facebook pages/groups, or activities that inspire you?